World-class software to help you manage shift worker compliance in high-risk industries

Safety manager checking compliance

All-in-one workforce compliance solution for operators in high-risk industries

SiteApprove allows you to manage credentials across a mobile and shifting workforce, and report on compliance. Purpose-built for the mining and healthcare industries, you can rest easy knowing that everyone on shift has been appropriately onboarded and credentialled.

End of year reporting is a breeze, keeping your stakeholders happy

Provide your stakeholders with complete and transparent reporting, reducing your business’s exposure to risk and making compliance a breeze.

Compliance reports
Customisable templates and fields

Flexible to fit your needs

Every business is different and SiteApprove is flexible enough to make it work. With completely customisable templates, fields, asset types and routines, SiteApprove helps you streamline and then grow your staff onboarding and compliance reporting.

Keep your credentials in one safe place as you move from site to site

SiteApprove helps contract workers keep their credentials in one simple app, making it easy to check in when on site, and also to check in to different sites. You will never have to carry a paper certificate again!

Contractor approved for Project 3

SiteApprove is ideal for…

Get started in 3 easy steps

pdf uploaded to a mobile

Download the App and create your account

profile with uploaded certificates

Upload your certificates and documents

share your profile

Share your profile with your site manager


 Site Workers

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